



English language learning in our school aims to help students lay a good foundation in learning English, paving the way for independent and lifelong learning with effective communication of knowledge, ideas, values, attitudes and experience.



  • Enhance students' reading and writing proficiency
  • Develop learners' generic skills, values and attitudes while exposing them
  • to rich learning experiences
  • Use a learner-centered and a task-based approach
  • Cater for learner diversity
  • Create a language-rich environment



  • Native English-speaking Teacher (NET) Programme
  • P.1-P.3 Space Town Literacy Programme
  • P.4-P.6 Textbook integrated with KIP Programme
  • P.4 and P.5 Reading across the Curriculum


English Curriculum highlight


  • Gifted Education: Provide challenges for learners to extend learning
  • Reading across the Curriculum: Equip students with the ability to read and comprehend texts in all subject areas
  • Active Learning: Engage students in the learning process to develop autonomy in their learning
  • Self-directed Learning: Students identify their learning goals and expand their learning using various learning materials and online platforms 
  • Project-based Learning: Help students develop critical thinking, problem-solving and collaboration skills through engaging student-centred projects and hands-on activities


English Activity


  • English Learning Day

    • English Singing Contest

    • Olympism Carnival

    • English Reading Day

    • Week of Positivity

  • Smart English Ambassadors Scheme (SEAs)

  • Speech Festival

  • Life-wide Learning :

    • Visit to Hong Kong Herritage Museum

  • Story Quest




Student Achievements:

  • Raz-Kids Reading Awards

  • School Newsletter about P.5 visit to the museum

  • Photos of good products